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(녹) 연중 제13주간 화요일 예수님께서 일어나셔서 바람과 호수를 꾸짖으셨다. 그러자 아주 고요해졌다.

신앙상담 신앙상담 게시판은 비공개 게시판으로 닉네임을 사용실 수 있습니다. 댓글의 경우는 실명이 표기됩니다.

q [RE:45]


비공개 []

1999-01-30 ㅣ No.53

언젠가 보나라는 성녀에 대해 누군가 물어봐서 찾아본 적이 있는데, 정말 자료가 거의 없더군요.

간신히 찾은 자료는 영어로 된 짧은 내용인데, 그래도 모르는 것보다는 좋을 것 같아 보내드립니다.

단, 먼저 영어사전을 준비하고 번역하면서 비록 짧은 내용이지만 음미하면 더 잘 기억에 남겠지요.


Bona, St., patroness of travel hostesses; b. Pisa, Italy, c. 1156; d. Pisa, May 29, 1207(feast, May 29). Distinguished by her piety as a child, she was received as a young woman into the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, and henceforth lived in a house near the Canons who served St. Martin's church in Pisa. As a result of a vision of Our Lord she made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. There a hermit Ubald instructed her about the holy places she was to visit and eventually told her when to return to Pisa. On the way home she was wounded by Saracens and molested by robbers. Henceforth she lived as a recluse in Pisa except for her nine pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela and frequent visits to St. Peter's tomb in Rome. She is buried in St. Martin's, Pisa. In 1962 Pope John XXIII named her the patroness of Italian travel hostesses.

<New Catholic Encyclopedia 중에서>

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