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가톨릭 이미지 가톨릭 관련 이미지 자료실 입니다.

[박물관]로마의 중세 현대 박물관들

스크랩 인쇄

김신 [kspeter] 쪽지 캡슐

2000-05-28 ㅣ No.88



001. 현대 미술 시립 갤러리  Municipal Gallery of Modern Art




001. 아프로 作 : 정물 Afro: Composition



  이 미술관은 성 요셉께 봉헌된 맨발의 갈멜 수도회 시대에 세워진 갤러리로서, 20세기 이탈리아 예술의 가장 의미있는 발달을 조명하고 있는 130여 작품들을 전시하고 있습니다.


  이 갤러리는 학자들과 요청하는 사람들 누구에게나 그림 자료와 과학 정보를 찾을 수 있도록 자료를 소장하고 있는 도서관과 자료실을 갖추고 있습니다.  또한 대중들이 사용할 수 있는 전산화된 목록과 표중 카드 카탈로그도 갖추고 있지요.


  이 갤러리에는 로딘, 발라, 데페로, 모란디, 드 피시스, 드 키리코, 카라, 마파이, 아프로, 구투소 등의 작품들을 소장하고 있습니다.


Afro: Composition The arrangement, established in a former convent of the Barefooted Carmelites dedicated to St. Joseph, features 130 works which highlight the most meaningful developments in XXth-century Italian art.

The Gallery offers a library, plus archives equipped with photographic and scientific reference equipment for the benefit of scholars and whoever else presents a request. The Gallery also possesses a computerized catalogue available to the public, together with the standard card catalogue.

The Gallery includes works of A. Rodin, G. Balla, F. Depero, G. Morandi, G. De Pisis, G. De Chirico, C. Carra, M. Mafai, Afro, R. Guttuso, etc.  




002. 성 루까 아카데미 갤러리 Gallery of the St. Luke Academy


 The National Academy of St. Luke was born of the University of Painters, Miniaturist and Embroiders. The statutes of this University, which had already existed in Rome for quite some time, were renewed during the papacy of Sixtus IV on December 17, 1478 (the original parchment document is kept in the Academy’s archives).

The old statutes stated that, "Every member of the Academy must donate a work to be kept in perpetuit". The princes were also required to leave a "fitting gift of their work", and at a later point in time, they were asked to donate portraits of themselves. The result was an Academy gallery first established at the end of the seventeenth century, which now holds over a thousand paintings and scultures, including roughly 500 portraits and a large number of designs.



002-1. 라파엘 작 : 성모를 그리는 루까 성인


Raphael: St.Luke painting the Virgin



  이 갤러리는 라파엘로, 카노바, 반 다이크 등의 작품들을 소장하고 있습니다.


 The Gallery includes works of Raffaello, Canova, Van Dyck, etc.




022-2. A.Canova: Socrates saving Alcibiades

during the battle of Potidea






003. Doria Pamphilj Gallery


 The Doria Pamphilj Gallery is housed in the Palace of the same name, which is located on the Corso, but its entrance on the Piazza del Collegio Romano. On the days the building is open, it is also possible to visit the private and public rooms in the Palace.

The Gallery includes works of Jacopo Tintoretto, Tiziano, Raffaello Sanzio, Correggio, Caravaggio, Guercino, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Parmigianino, Gaspard Dughet, Jan Brueghel il Vecchio, Velasquez,etc.  



003. Caravaggio: Mary Magdalen




004. National Gallery of Ancient Art

in Palazzo Barberini



H.Holbein: Portrait of Henry VIII Palazzo Barberini was designed by Maderno, and built on the site of the previous Villa Sforza, for Maffeo Barberini, who became pope with the title of Urban VIII. On Maderno’s death in 1629, Gian Lorenzo Bernini took control of construction. One of his collaborators was Francesco Borromini. The great hall was decorated by Pietro da Cortona, who worked on it from 1633 to 1639: the allegorical theme centres on the "Triumph of Providence" and was intended to exalt the glory of the papal family.

The Gallery includes works of Giulio Romano, Raffaello Sanzio, Perugino, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Tiepolo, Hans Holbein, N. Poussin, etc.  



004-1. H.Holbein: Portrait of Henry VIII






004-2. C.Saraceni: St.Gregory Magnus




005. National Gallery of Modern Art


 The National Gallery of Modern Art includes works of Balla, Morandi, Pirandello, Carra, De Chirico, De Pisis, Guttuso, Fontana, Burri, Mastroianni, Turcato, Kandisky, Cezanne, etc.  



G.Balla: Pessimism and Optimism




006. Spada Gallery



J.Brueghel the Elder:

Landscape with Windmills  The Spada Gallery is housed in the Palace of the same name, once the property of Cardinal Girolamo Capodiferro (1501-1559). After the death of Cardinal Capodiferro the Palace passed to the Mignanelli family and was then bought in 1632 by Cardinal Bernardino Spada (1594-1661), who, from the moment he took up residence, decided not only to set up the basis of an art collection, but also decided on a series of modificatios employing various painters, sculptors and architets. Among the latter was Francesco Borromini who created the famous Perspective Gallery.

The Gallery includes works of Gaspar Dughet, Guido Reni, Annibale Carracci, Jan Brueghel il Vecchio, etc



J.Brueghel the Elder : Landscape with Windmills





007. Early Middle Ages Museum


 The recently founded Museum (1967) contains archaeological material from excavations and collections relating to the period of time from late Antiquity to the high Middle Ages (from the fourth to the thirteenth centuries).  



007. Ivory ciborium





008. Museum of Palazzo Venezia


The Palazzo Venezia was designated as the seat of the museum in 1916 when it passed into the possession of the Italian State after serving as the embassy of the Venetian Republic and later as the Austrian embassy. In 1911, to provide space for the monument to Victor Emanuel II on the far side of Piazza Venezia, the entire "greenhouse" of Paul II, which cornered on the main prospect, was moved and reconstructed with all its stones, marble and cloisters on the left side of the building.

The Museum houses paintings from the thirteenth to eighteenth centuries, marble and carved-wood sculptures, bronzes, terracottas, pottery, china, silver, cloths, seals, medals, glassware, tapestries, enamels, etc.



008. Christus Pantokrator






009. Borghese Museum and Gallery



Antonio Canova: Paolina Bonaparte The Borghese villa and its small palace were constructed at the beginning of the seventeenth century outside the Aurelian walls between the Porta Pinciana and the no longer existing Porta Salaria in an area then occupied by orchards and vineyards. Scipio Borghese first engaged Flaminio Ponzio and then Vasanzio to build it: it was constructed between 1613 and 1615. It exemplifies the villa belonging to a great Roman family at the beginning of the seveteenth century.

The Museum includes works of Raffaello, Antonio Canova, Pietro e Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Giulio Romano, etc.  




009. Antonio Canova: Paolina Bonaparte






010. Castel Sant’Angelo National Museum




 Built, as was the Elian bridge in front, by the Emperor Hadrian (117-138) as a Mausoleum for himself and his successors, it was completed by Antoninus Pius in 139. In 271, the Emperor Aurelian incorporated the pile into the defence system he designed: it lost its function as a tomb to become a fortress.

In 1277 it was occupied by Nicholas II who connected it to the Vatican by the famous corridor, a safety passage which runs along the top of the encircling wall of the  

Vatican. Hencefort, it remained under the control of the Popes who used it as a fortress, to impress, but also as a prison and a place for torture.

The Castle is divided into five floors:

Floor I from which starts the famous winding ramp about 400 feet long, a stupendous Roman costruction.

Floor II (or floor of the prisons) with horrible cells, called "historical" prisons, and store-rooms for wheat and oil.

Floor III (or military floor) with two big courtyards.

Floor IV (or papal floor) with the loggia of Julius II, by Bramante, in the principal part of the Castle and the papal apartment, consisting of magnificent rooms with frescoes by Giulio Romano, Perin del Vaga and others painters of Raphael’s school, the Sala del Tesoro and Cagliostro’s Room, the prison cell of the famous alchemist of the 18th century.

Floor V (top floor) with a big terrace, dominated by an Archangel in bronze by Wersschaffelt, from which we have a fine panorama of the city.



















성 프란치스꼬 관련 홈 페이지

기타 첨부파일: 010musangel.jpg, 009gaborg.jpg, 008mupaven.jpg, 007mumedio.jpg, 006gaspad.jpg, 005ganamod1.jpg, 004-2ganabar.jpg, 004-1ganabar1.jpg, 003gadopam.jpg, 002-2gasanlu1.jpg, 002-1gasanlu.jpg, 001gacomod.jpg

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