2024년 6월 28일 (금)
(홍) 성 이레네오 주교 학자 순교자 기념일 주님께서는 하고자 하시면 저를 깨끗하게 하실 수 있습니다.


One Dollar Bill and One Hundred Dollar Bill

스크랩 인쇄

Seung-Woog Kwag [austin] 쪽지 캡슐

1999-03-01 ㅣ No.333

One day, a one dollar bill and a hundred dollar bill got folded together and began talking about their life experiences. The hundred dollar bill began to brag: "I've had a great life," he said. "I've been to all the big hotels, Donald Trump himself used me at his casino, I've been in the wallets of Fortune 500 board members, I've flown from one end of the country to the other! I've even been in the wallet of two Presidents of the United States, and once when Princess Diana visited the US, she used me to buy a packet of gum." In awe, the dollar humbly responded, "Gee, nothing like that has ever happened to me, ...but I have been to church a lot!" Austin

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