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스크랩 인쇄

장두현 [shalom] 쪽지 캡슐

2014-01-12 ㅣ No.428

(십자성호를 그으며)
† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.

Pope Francis announces names of new Cardinals

(Vatican Radio) After the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis announced the names of those who will be created Cardinals at the upcoming situation.
Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father’s announcement:
As was previously announced, on February 22, the Feast of the Chair of Peter, I will have the joy of holding a Consistory, during which I will name 16 new Cardinals, who, coming from 12 countries from every part of the world, represent the deep ecclesial relationship between the Church of Rome and the other Churches throughout the world. The following day [February 23] I will preside at a solemn concelebration with the new Cardinals, while on February 20 and 21 I will hold a Consistory with all the Cardinals to reflect on the theme of the family.
Here are the names of the new Cardinals:
    Pietro Parolin, Titular Archbishop of Acquapendente, Secretary of State
    Lorenzo Baldisseri, Titular Archbishop of Diocleziana, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.    Gerhard Ludwig M?ller, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Regensburg, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
    Beniamino Stella, Titular Archbishop of Midila, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.    Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster (Great Britain).
    Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano, Archbishop of Managua (Nicaragua).    Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Québec (Canada).
    Jean-Pierre Kutwa, Archbishop of Abidjan (Ivory Coast).    Orani João Tempesta, O.Cist., Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
    Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve (Italy).    Mario Aurelio Poli, Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina).
    Andrew Yeom Soo jung, Archbishop of Seoul (Korea).    Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., Archbishop of Santiago del Cile (Chile).
    Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo, Archbishop of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).    Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I., Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines).
    Chibly Langlois, Bishop of Les Cayes (Haïti).
Together with them, I will join to the Members of the College of Cardinals three Archbishops emeriti distinguished for their service to the Holy See and to the Church.









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